Marc Aixa Siurana

Marc Aixa Siurana

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Marc Aixa Siurana

Regardless he was born in Castelló de la Plana, Marc Aixa Siurana is originally from Torreblanca, a very small village in Spain. It was in that town where he started with his first musical footsteps. After having studied music in Castelló and in the Basque Country, he moved to the Netherlands to finish his musical education. In Amsterdam he obtained the Bachelor and Master degrees specialising in Orchestral Percussion and Timpani. 

In the past, he’s been a member of the European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO) and the Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester (GMJO). In addition, he held an academy position with the Concertgebouworkest Amsterdam, where he keeps a close collaboration relationship since 2014 and has had the chance to work with Maestros such as M. Jansons, D. Gatti, A. Nelsons, S. Bychkov, H. Blomstedt, Sir J. E. Gardiner, among others. He also enjoys playing with Camerata RCO and Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest.

Marc Aixa Siurana holds a position as Principal Timpani with the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra / Netherlands Chamber Orchestra. Regarding his pedagogical activity, he has a position as Professor in the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC) and at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam (CvA).