Der fliegende Holländer

Dutch National Opera

Der fliegende Holländer

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In Wagner’s romantic opera Der fliegende Holländer, both the ghostly seaman – the ‘Dutchman’ – and the captain’s daughter Senta yearn desperately for redemption. The one is doomed to spend eternity sailing a ghost ship, the other is trapped in a stifling world where she does not belong.

Senta’s dream

The French-Canadian director François Girard focuses this new staging on the perspective of the young Senta. Her father is all too happy to marry her off to the highest bidder, trapping her in a small-minded world short on empathy, driving Senta to take refuge in her fantasy about the legendary Dutchman. John Macfarlane’s impressive, ghostly décor comes across as a huge oil painting that comes alive through special effects.