Michiel Holtrop studied viola at the Utrechts Conservatorium and the Sweelinck Conservatorium Amsterdam.

Michiel Holtrop
At the festival of Entrecasteaux, he won the first prize for chamber music. He took lessons with Jürgen Kussmaul, Eli Goren and Prunella Pacey, among others. In addition to his appointment with the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, he is business and artistic director of the Stichting Appeltaartconcerten. With the Stichting Appeltaartconcerten he plays -mostly with his colleagues from the NedPhO- concerts in institutions for the elderly, hospitals, psychiatric institutions, district theaters and special education. He is also a member of the Crumble Consort, the Utrecht Camerata, the Benjamin Franklin Trio and other chamber music ensembles.