
Dutch National Opera


This opera has already taken place. View our calendar here.

A true Wagner spectacle about the legendary minne singer Tannhäuser. A fascinating drama about love, guilt, penance and ultimate forgiveness.

Richard Wagner

For both Tannhäuser and his later Lohengrin, Richard Wagner drew on medieval songs, sagas and tales of courtly love. His narrative focuses on the rebellion of an artist whose desire to succumb to carnal lust engenders a conflict with his religious intellect; an inner dichotomy embodied by the two women he loves. Tannhäuser marks a key step in the progression from the number opera to the musical drama.

Fourth Wagner title for Marc Albrecht

After Die Meistersinger von NürnbergParsifal and Tristan und Isolde, chief conductor Marc Albrecht adds a fourth Wagner title to his arsenal of DNO productions.