Remko Edelaar studied bassoon at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague with Johan Steinmann.

Remko Edelaar
Principal bassoon
He took master classes with Sergio Azzolini and Daniele Damiano, among others. During his studies he won several prizes at competitions. Since 2003 he has been solo bassoonist of the Netherlands Philharmonic & Netherlands Chamber Orchestra. In addition, he is a member of Asko|Schönberg and the Wendingen Ensemble. With these ensembles he made many recordings, including the
Solo Sonata for bassoon
by Willem Frederik Bon. He is also bassoonist of the Farkas Quintet Amsterdam, with which he won the Nationaal Kamermuziek Concours Almere in 2004.
Podcast with Remko Edelaar
From his study, Remko shares that he can listen to just a few bars from a symphony or opera a thousand times in a row. He also talks about teaching his children, his second job as a tax consultant and how he missed the orchestra, his colleagues, but especially the audience during the corona pandemic: “The audience plays a bigger role than they often realize.