Stef Jongbloed Nederlands Philharmonisch © Lisanne Soeterbroek
Stef Jongbloed Nederlands Philharmonisch © Lisanne Soeterbroek

Stef Jongbloed

French horn

Stef Jongbloed studeerde hoorn aan het Stedelijk Conservatorium in Groningen bij Rut Mensenkamp.

He also studied orchestral conducting with Zsólt Déaky. After his studies he played for several years in the Noordelijk Filharmonisch Orkest, which in 1989 merged with the Frysk Orkest (today's Noord Nederlands Orkest). Jongbloed continued his horn studies with Adriaan van Woudenberg in Amsterdam. Since 1990 he has been part of the Netherlands Philharmonic, where he has been third horn since 2002, with Wagnertuba as a secondary instrument.