Stephanie Steiner Nederlands Philharmonisch © Lisanne Soeterbroek
Stephanie Steiner Nederlands Philharmonisch © Lisanne Soeterbroek

Stephanie Steiner


Stephanie Steiner received her Bachelor and Master's degrees in The Hague from M. Biesta and R. Ephrat.

She continued her education with a Post Graduate Study at the Mozarteum in Salzburg with Professor Thomas Riebl. In 2007 she soloed with violinist Lisanne Soeterbroek in Mozart's Sinfonia Concertante , accompanied by the Atheneum Chamber Orchestra conducted by Bas Wiegers. Stephanie substitutes in Asko|Schönberg, the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and the Residentie Orkest. Stephanie was appointed viola player with the Netherlands Philharmonic in May 2010.